
How to feel less overwhelmed as a new homemaker

Do you feel stressed, overwhelmed or is your home a mess and you don’t know where to start? You’re not alone! In this blog I share 5 easy tips on how to feel less overwhelmed as a new homemaker that helped me a lot!

two piles of folded laundry with unfolded laundry at the right

Don’t know where to start? Set a timer and just start somewhere.

It happens to me more often than I would like to admit that I walk back and forth through our home looking from the dirty kitchen to the messy living room and back not knowing where to start. Often I end up doing nothing or scrolling at my phone. As a new mom and homemaker I feel overwhelmed several times every week. No shame in that, everything new will take effort to master at some point.

If you are a new homemaker too and feel overwhelmed it can help to set a timer. Set it for 10 or 15 minutes and lay your phone down. In the set time try to tidy up and clean as many big things as possible. I am always amazed how much I can do in this short amount of time. Sometimes there is a bigger mess I need hours to clean up but mostly a quick session of tiding and cleaning will take the edge off the mess.

Make lists when overwhelmed as a new homemaker.

If you feel overwhelmed as a new homemaker often time you have lost the overview on what actually needs to happen. Take a peace of paper and write a to-do list. It can help to categorize the items in things you need to do today, in this week, month or until the holidays. Writing down all the things that need to be done can reduce the mess in your head and give you space to actually clean the mess in your home.

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    Put your phone down

    There are so many things to say on why to put your phone down when you feel overwhelmed. When scrolling on social media you lose a lot of precious time you need to get things sorted again. You also see all those tidy and ‘perfect’ homes and experiences homemakers sharing their nice shots and giving you an even worse feeling.

    Be especially when I feel overwhelmed I tend to look at my phone even more. So how to break that cycle? It will do no good to beat yourself up about your social media use and set unrealistic expectations.

    Bible encouragement for an overwhelmed new homemaker

    You already feel bad and overwhelmed so try to encourage yourself. I love the following bible verses to encourage myself knowing that I don’t do this alone.

    But be not thou far from me, O LORD: O my strength, haste thee to help me.

    Psalm 22:19
    women laughing while folding laundry

    Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

    Philippians 4:6 

    Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.

    Deuteronomy 31:6

    There are such beautiful promises in the bible to claim and prayers to pray. Right your favorites down for your daily affirmations in order to pore from them when you need it most.

    Open and close your home to stop being overwhelmed as a new homemaker

    Sometimes it is difficult to establish a routine especially when you are a new mom or homemaker. But in order to get less overwhelmed as a homemaker routine is key. My favorite routine also helps to slow down your mornings and evenings. I think of it as waking your home up and putting it down to sleep at night.

    In the morning before making breakfast or even before caring for your chicken I open the curtains and get dressed. At weekends I put on some classical music and set a nice herbal tea to start the day. This is a great time to read your bible and enjoy this first few minutes of the day together with the one that will help you be less overwhelmed.
    When you day starts as mine does with a baby waking up it might look different than that but I try to include all those elements before babygirl takes her first nap. Read more about a morning routine for new moms right here.

    Putting my house to sleep doesn’t take me very long but I feel in order to start the next day successfully it is so crucial to do it every single night. I close the curtains, clean the kitchen and tidy up the play area of our child. Use this time to write a to-do list for the next day in order to get your head empty. If you want to feel less overwhelmed as a new homemaker you have to get good night sleep so this might help to put some of the stress off.

    Use your evenings to work and relax

    Sometimes I can work the whole day without using my phone or waste time and still don’t get everything done. In those times I make use of some evening hours to get work done. It might not be a sexy advice but in my experience I feel better rested and less overwhelmed if I work evenings and live in a clean and tidy home.

    If you feel like you have to work every evening the whole evening try to set a time by which you want to be finished. I usually don’t work later than 9pm. in order to enjoy an hour or so together with my hubby on the sofa doing nothing. Relaxing and talking to each other is important to if you want to feel less overwhelmed as a homemaker but also as a wife and mom.

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